Thursday 16 December 2021

Cinnamon and Cloves


Much as I have thoroughly enjoyed working this week, I know that by tomorrow afternoon I'll be relieved to finish for the holidays. I feel exhausted. My decision to drop off a Christmas card 'only fifteen minutes out of my way' after Lily's swimming lesson this evening, and at the end of an already long day, was not one of my better ones, so I won't be long out of bed. The recipients were not even in, so I just had to put it through the letterbox. I should have just posted it in the first place. I'll know better next year :)

This morning I was reading Sue's blog, when she happened to post about one of my most favourite things to eat - shortbread. I love it. And I meant it when I commented that I would happily pass on any type of cake or biscuit for  piece of good shortbread. For something so simple it really is delicious. And I also meant it when I said I would then have to bake some for myself, which I did, except I added a generous pinch of cinnamon and cloves to mine, just to give it a Christmassy flavour. I'm glad I remembered to pick up some more at the supermarket last week, as I've recently been adding it to my compote and I will also be using it in my mincemeat shortbread when I finally get around to making it next week. I always associate both flavours with this time of year.

This is the recipe if you would like to bake some yourself. 

Tomorrow is the last day of the school term, and that means Christmas parties. Lily is so excited and will be wearing her 'something sparkly' for the occassion. I've sent all my cards, I've bought all my gifts. Now I'm looking forward to having the time to relax and make the most of the festive season. 

J. X


  1. Remember this lesson learned, next year. -smile-

    I'm sure your cookies are a delight.

    You have everything done, and can now relax and enjoy the Season. Wonderful!!!

    Hugs and Love,

    "Miss B.B."

    1. I know! Why make things any harder for myself :)

  2. I have fond memories of my dressing up at Christmas. Black shiny patent leather shoes, which made that special noise when you walked, the pretty dresses, lovely. I like shortbread, never made it,so I'll have to check into that. Merry Christmas to you and Miss Lily.

    1. I've now added the link to my recipe.
      Thank you, Faith. X

  3. Oooh, I love shortbread. Enjoy your last day and enjoy your time off afterwards.

    1. Thank you, Jo. I fear I might be found in a frazzled heap this evening. X

  4. Mincemeat shortbread.... now that conjures up visions of yummyness! I will try to find a recipe. I make shortbread bars and cookies as they are handy to have in the freezer if unexpected guests arrive!

    1. I've added the link to the Cinnamon Shortbread now and you'll find the Mincemeat Shortbread under the recipe tab. X

  5. I much prefer shortbread to christmas cake - mincemeat ditto sounds interesting.

    1. I haven't made a cake this year. I'm thinking of baking a chocolate Yule log instead. X

  6. Your shortbread cookies look delicious! I should make some! Maybe tomorrow. You've had a busy day, but, with all your cards written and presents bought, you are in a good place to relax and enjoy the countdown to Christmas. :)

    1. They are so quick and easy to make. I hope you enjoy them. X

  7. Oh well done for being so festive, so organised, so Christmassy!

    Fingers crossed to get to the end of today unscathed and can go home and relax a bit.

    1. Next year I intend to be more organised and just put a stamp on all my cards :)

  8. I can almost smell those cinnamon biscuits from here :) B x

  9. I love shortbread too. I'm sure Lily will look fabulous in her sparkly party wear and both of you will enjoy this last day of term. Then you can relax and enjoy Christmastime at home.

    1. I am definitely looking forward to the relaxing part. X

  10. Yes I will be making some, enjoy your last day. xx

    1. Thank you, I'm sure you will enjoy them. X

  11. Wow, those biscuits look sensational. I'm typing imagining a good hot strong cup of coffee and a cinnamon tree, yum. Thanks for the recipe.

    1. I'm sure I will be enjoying many more over the weekend. X

  12. The shortbread looks delicious. It can be a fraught and busy time of year for a lot of people especially those with little ones but there is also something very special about that last day of school at Christmas-time. I bet Lily looked lovely in her sparkles. xx

    1. It can be hard to find some balance. Children are beyond excited, yet often so exhausted at this stage in the school year. X

  13. Enjoy every minute of your time off, you've deserved it! xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix. I am looking forward to it. X

  14. The shortbread looks delicious.
    I hope Lily enjoyed the end of term party.

    Wishing you a lovely, and hopefully relaxing weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. She had a wonderful time, and even won a game of 'pin the nose on the snowman!' X

  15. You are organised Jules! You deserve a jolly good feet up. We gave little shortbread boxes as presents to the kid's teachers - supermarket bought and not nearly as delicious looking as your home baked ones - but they all said 'ooh, I love shortbread, I going to have one with my tea / coffee'. You have inspired me to try baking some! Lulu xXx

    1. You just can't beat a nice piece of shortbread can you.
      I'm not sure about being organised - I've still got all the gifts to wrap! Xx
