Friday 23 July 2021

Back to the Lake

An early start, once again, for me. I was already on my second coffee by 7am. It was the hottest day of the week so far and the perfect excuse for a lazy morning, or in my case, dealing with my insurance company, then changing and laundering all the bed linen. It's an exhausting task and I have to pace myself in this heat, so as not to get too hot and bothered. 

I ate my breakfast later than usual - toast with blackcurrant jam - then set about giving the house a general tidy. It looks a little less cluttered at least, but it still looks as though a tornado has been through it. Just a shame it left all the dust behind :)

Mid afternoon, we set off for the lake once again. There is no better place to be when it is so hot. There is usually a gentle breeze by the shoreline and the water is just the perfect temperature in which to cool off. We found a shaded space to park beneath the trees and although the lake was much busier than earlier in the week, we had no difficulty in finding a comfortable spot to sit down and enjoy the late afternoon sun. That said, Lily spent all of her time there in the water, not getting out until it was time for us to leave, and I spent most of my time swimming alongside her. Another really lovely day. 

Returning home, I put the towels and swimsuits straight in the washing machine and rinsed off the water shoes and Lily's buoyancy aid. This way everything dries easily overnight and is ready for the following day, should we choose to visit again.

A lighter meal was enjoyed in the evening. We ate crackers and cheese, along with some olives and hummus, sat out in the garden. And yes, there was wine.

J. X