Saturday 25 February 2023

Winter Is Loosening Its Grasp


This is the time of year I yearn for.  After a long, dark winter, the hours of daylight are gradually increasing, the early mornings are filled with birdsong, and the air is filled with a delicious, earthy scent, as the sun begins to warm the land once again. We are not out of the woods just yet, as the forecast is showing some light snow over the next week, but I feel certain those bitterly cold, wintry days are behind us now and that any more frosty mornings will be fleeting.

One bright day last week, we took a walk from Keswick, with the intention of hiking up Lonscale Fell. It was a lovely morning and as we climbed the steep path up Jenkin Hill, I decided on a 'slight detour' to our planned route, and we finished up at the top of Skiddaw! We had completed the most challenging part of the walk and as it was one of those rare days when the summit wasn't shrouded in cloud,  I thought we might as well make the most of it. We descended via Lonscale Fell, so we did, in fact, accomplish what we had initially set out to do, it just took a little while longer :) Our next fell will be our 100th Wainwright. Still a long way to go until we complete them all, but cause for a small celebration, I think. 

Some time off work has been very welcome, and this week I've spent most of my days at home. I hadn't really thought of posting until now, as my days have felt rather mundane and of no particular interest, but in small ways I have been quite productive and for that I am grateful. I've spent some time studying and tackled several modules of my coursework, caught up with the housework and finally cleared out my wardrobe. I now have two more bags to take to the charity shop, although that will be a job for another day. 

Pancake Day was acknowledged, and in typical fashion, I probably won't eat any more again until next year. 

The Warm Space will be continuing for another month, and although I have given myself this week off, I will be back to baking again on Wednesday. Last week, the Bakewell cake proved very popular, and I am now even receiving requests :)

On Wednesday we spent a fun morning orienteering. It was an organised event where families could have a go at different activities, learn new skills and complete various challenges. We did quite well, considering it was our first time, and I've already signed us up for another event. Lets just hope the next one is somewhere a little less muddy - I still have our boots to clean. 

On a more personal note, I feel my back is completely fine now. I have yet to go for a run, which as I have said before will be the real test, but I haven't felt so much as a twinge while I've been out walking. This is such good news, especially as we head towards spring, and I am looking forward to spending more time outdoors. Yesterday, as we walked through the woods, there were signs everywhere. The snowdrops are all out, catkins hung from the tree branches and I even spotted my first wild garlic.  

J. X