Friday 1 December 2023


Well, it would seem I previously spoke a little too soon about turning corner but I think I am now finally on the mend. All aches and pains have all but disappeared and I'm even feeling grateful that my overwhelming fatigue has once again been replaced by feeling tired for an actual reason. It is a busy time of year at work and excitement is slowly building. I arrived this morning to one of my colleagues playing 'All I want for Christmas is you' at full blast, which got everyone feeling festive, and was quite a rousing start to the day. I just hope we don't all peak too soon. 

As many of you know, I like to post a little something each day on the run up to Christmas. Over the years I've gotten to enjoy these chatty little posts, reminders of familiar Christmas traditions and creating new ones. 

As in previous years the advent stockings have been hung above the fireplace. It's been a long time since I needed to lift Lily up so that she could reach inside for her chocolate each morning. As she gets older no doubt our traditions will change slightly,  but I hope we can always capture the magic of the festive season. After all you should never be too old to search the skies on Christmas Eve.

J. X