Monday 24 July 2023

Small Potatoes

As is often the way, these last few weeks have been rather busy. Work has been hectic, turbulent and joyous in equal measure. So you can probably understand why it has taken me several days to switch off and unwind. My mind is still trying to think about what I 'should' be doing, but right now there isn't anything, and that is taking a bit of getting used to. But I'm here for it :) 

During July, our weather has been changeable, with heavy rain and low temperatures. The grass is lush and green once more and I can't remember when I last wore sunscreen. This has been very disappointing, but I've seized those brief moments of sunshine and warmth, including afternoon tea by the lake, and now I'm keeping my hopes high for August. Surely, summer can't be over just yet.

One such moment was the school sports day. Already, postponed from earlier in the month, we struck lucky with the one fine day we had that week. It was lovely to see the children (and grown ups!) having so much fun. Lily received two 2nds - sprint, egg and spoon, and a 1st - the skipping race, of course!

That same evening I enjoyed an end of term social event. It was pleasantly warm, so we sat out in the garden beneath the fairy lights and bunting, enjoying the most amazing home made pizzas and good conversation. It was a lovely way to celebrate, especially as we won't all be together this time next year.

Back in March, Lily and I entered a competition for growing potatoes. We were given one bucket and one seed potato each and the idea was to see who could grow the best crop of potatoes by July. Well, last weekend we took our buckets back to be emptied and weighed, and the results weren't great. In fact, they were quite terrible, although Lily was thrilled to received a price for the child's lightest crop - a packet of Smash! And mine weren't much better. The few that we did manage to grow did taste delicious, however. We've not yet eaten the Smash :)

Somewhere in the last few weeks, there was another skiing lesson. That's Lily at the top of the slope with her instructor. She's really enjoying her lessons, so I hope we can somehow fit another one in very soon. Then, once she is confident enough, she can use the main slope without instruction.  

We celebrated the last day of term with a chippy tea down by the lake. It was a lovely sunny and peaceful evening, although I imagine it will be getting a lot busier now that the school holidays have arrived. Then, the following evening, I went out with some colleagues. This time there were quite a lot of us, so we went to a new restaurant in town, where the food was absolutely delicious. 

Unfortunately, heavy rain kept us indoors over the weekend, but I kept myself busy making blackcurrant jam (which are far easier for me  to grow than potatoes!). Luckily, I have lots to look forward to over the next few weeks. 

Back soon.

J. X


  1. I'm keeping everything crossed that the weather picks up, it's been a long time since we've had a July this grim!
    Your afternoon tea looks delicious and well done to Lily for doing so well at sport's day. We've got a patch of potatoes - I haven't checked them for ages, they've probably been decimated by slugs. Yours look fabulous - I bet they taste lovely. xxx

    1. I might try and grow some more potatoes next year, but this time in the ground. The competition was fun though. X

  2. I do hope the weather improves for your summer holiday it's like autumn rather than summer.Your picnic hamper looks delicious and that did make me smile that your prize was a packet of Smash :-)

    1. It feels very autumnal just now, especially as it has turned cooler this weekend. X

  3. Afternoon tea by the lake sounds delightful and those goodies look delicious! It sounds like you've been very busy! I hope the weather improves and you can enjoy many warm summer days of fun and relaxing.

    1. It was the perfect spot to enjoy my afternoon tea. X

  4. Well done, Lily, and the potatoes look delicious! Blackcurrant jam - how delicious.

    Enjoy the holiday - you've earned it. xx

    1. What the potatoes lacked in quantity, they made up for in taste. X

  5. The idea of a chippy tea down by the lake? Lake looks lovely - no doubt the chips tasted good but not as good as the delicious ones in the bowl - a friend brought me some out of his garden - simmered gently with sea salt and a sprig of mint and eaten with a knob of butter - delicious. Enjoy your holidau and don't even think about September for a few weeks!

    1. Home grown potatoes are delicious, served simply with some butter.. I'm thinking of growing some again next year, but in the ground this time.
      September will be upon us before we know it. X

  6. Yum to new potatoes and blackcurrent jam! I had loads of raspberries this year but not enough for a batch of jam. Rather amazed by the indoor ski slope - I don't think we have any, it's just an outdoor activity here.

    1. I haven't made any raspberry jam this year. The blackcurrants should provide me with enough, as I'm trying to cut back :)

  7. Well done on sports day and all those activities look great fun. I must admit I’m rather enjoying our rather moist English summer. B x

    1. I can't say I am exactly enjoying this wet weather, but it is still preferable to the extreme temperatures they've been experiencing in other areas. X

  8. Pleased Lily is enjoying her skiing lessons.
    Sounds a nice idea to celebrate the last day of term with a chippy tea down by the lake - it looks lovely in your photograph.

    Enjoy the summer, I'm sure the weather will improve soon.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. We're still waiting here :)

  9. I opened my laptop this evening when I got back from my unscheduled additional hospital visit and was sure I had commented because I had scrolled to your previous post. Obviously my mind is becoming as confused as my body. I had been wondering where nearish to you there was an indoor ski slope. Your potatoes look lovely. Last year my crop was poor and they had scab. I shall be emptying my first container when I eventually get home from my travels and travails.

    1. I hope you will have more success than we did. X

  10. Early varieties of potato don't produce such a heavy crop...they look lovely...I'd rather pass on the remember the advert though! x

    1. The Smash remains in the cupboard for the time being. We will eat it at some point though, just to see what it's like. X

  11. I loved going to field afternoon with elementary-aged students just enjoying all the fun of being a kid. The box lunch looks delicious...what a great way to spend time together. And I love that there's an award for the lightest potato crop! Although I went to college in an area with mountains, I never went skiiing...snow-shoeing was more my speed! It all sounds fun...enjoy every minute.

    1. The children all had a great afternoon, and it's always much more fun being out of the classroom! X

  12. Oh, that lake looks amazing. I hope you get some more sunny weather. It has been hot here in California. The jam sounds delicious!

    1. The weather here is still very mixed, and I don't think it's forecast to improve ay time soon. X

  13. Your afternoon tea box looks gorgeous. Did you put it together yourselves?

    1. The tea was delicious and such a treat, but I can't take the credit, I'm afraid. I had been gifted a voucher for use at a nearby cafe, but thought it would be better enjoyed as a takeaway instead :)
