Sunday 3 December 2023

Snowballs and Sledging

I can't tell you how relieved I am that I made the decision to return home early yesterday. Heavy snowfall and un-gritted roads are not a good combination and many people were stuck in their cars for hours. Some managed to secure hotel rooms, while others less fortunate sought refuge in community buildings, opened specifically to provide overnight accommodation for those who were stranded. Not ideal, but at least they would have been safe and warm. The warning, which advised against all but essential travel, came much too late for some, as an unprecedented amount of snow fell on this part of the country.

My plans for today had originally included a festive visit to a nearby property and gardens. However, with the road conditions being what they were, I had no intention of driving anywhere. And in any case, like many other businesses, early this morning they announced that they would be staying closed. This was for the safety of all their staff, as well as any visitors. With nowhere to go, instead, Lily and I spent some of this morning building 'Snowy' the snowman. The snow was just right for it, not too dry and it held together well. We had a lot of fun, and I think he looks rather good. The cats were far less impressed with the white stuff and have spent much of the day fast asleep on my bed.

This afternoon we went sledging in the fields at the back of our house. There is a small hill right in the middle, which is just the right size for sledging and not too steep. It is also is a safe distance away from any fences or walls. That said, I'm sure Lily spent more time lying on the snow than she did sledging on it, but we had a great time, and I lost count of the amount of snowballs that were thrown. 

While we were out, I got a message to say that the school will be staying closed tomorrow. This came as no surprise, as many roads are still impassable and temperatures are, once again, set to drop below freezing overnight. 

J. X


  1. Snowy is magnificent.
    It's warmer here now, above freezing, and raining. No chance of snow. xx

    1. I think he looks smart in his red scarf :)

  2. Enjoy your extra day of snow. Soo festive. B x

    1. Snow always feels extra special at this time of year. X

  3. I can't believe how much snow you got! We had a couple of really cold days with a sharp frost here in the Midlands, but no snow. Snowy the snowman looks great :-)

    1. It has been lovely, but not great for those who were travelling. I was very relieved to be back home, safe and warm. X

  4. I love seeing the first snowfall along with Snowy! The hills behind your home look ideal...when we're out and about we often point out "perfect sledding hills" you say, not too steep, but with enough of a slant to really enjoy the run, and still having a safe stopping spot. It looks like you had a wonderful time! It must have been quite the snowstorm to close schools and businesses. I always loved those days...when we'd get the announcement school was closed - it meant sleeping in, cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate, and usually movies in pajamas. So glad you had a special day to enjoy!

    1. The perfect sledging spot can never be underestimated. And we are very lucky to have somewhere close by. I've been using it for years :)
      The snow arrived thick and fast, shortly after we arrived home. Many people got caught out, as it hadn't been forecast to be so heavy. X

  5. Oh, that is a very impressive snowman! What's more fun than building a snowman and going sledding? Not to mention snowball fights? Hope there was some hot cocoa at the end of all that snowy fun!

    1. It was great to have a day of snowy fun. No cocoa, but I did enjoy a mug of hot Winter Spice Blackcurrant. Xx

  6. Your snowman is wonderful. Sledging and snowball fights sound so much fun xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. We stayed cosy beneath our winter jackets and salopettes. X

  7. I love snowy - wouldn't it be good for him to stay over Christmas - let all the other snow go but keep him - he is so Christmassy. Pity he is too big to go in the freezer. I think it is the smile that makes him so human.

    1. We didn't have any carrots, so he has a fir cone for a nose. X

  8. Hello Jules. That is a lot of snow!
    Lovely that you and Lily were able to build 'Snowy' and go sledging together but going home when you did was definitely the right decision.
    Stay safe and warm today. Thinking of all those who are struggling with the weather conditions.

    1. Thank you, Beverley. We have been very fortunate. So many were stranded and had to abandon their vehicles. Not to mention those left without electricity. X

  9. I love Snowy he's a very impressive snowman. I have spent the last 3 days indoors but thankfully it's been raining all morning and the snow has gone. I love to watch the children play in the snow, some good times were had by my neighbours children but I'm always glad to see the back of it, I hope it clears soon at your end. x

    1. Snow is lovely for a short while, but then it can cause problems for many. It's the ice we will need to be careful of today. X

  10. What a jolly snowman! You have so much snow! We have only had rain so far. Snow makes it seem so much more festive this time of year. Enjoy the cozy days, and stay safe, my friend.

    1. It arrived thick and fast, Billie Jo, but it will soon disappear. I'm glad we got to enjoy it while it lasted. Xx

  11. Brrr...but great fun...Snow pancakes should be made on such days...not made with snow, just regular pancakes extra special because it's snowing...strange but entirely true I'm afraid...been doing them for years, and now the grandchildren know what they are too! x

    1. I expect they taste delicious anyway, but even more so when there is snow outside. X

  12. Living in Florida for the past 11 winters, I have not seen a real snowman in many years! I do remember how the snow had to be just right to get a good snowman and yours looks perfect!!

    1. The snow was perfect for it, Judee. It doesn't stick when it's too dry. X

  13. I think 'Snowy' the snowman is wonderful :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. He's looking a lot slimmer now :)
