Thursday 8 February 2024

Moving On


I am so relieved that we finally reached the end of January and we can move onwards towards spring. I have never been fond of this time of year. Gloomy, wet days. Leaving for work in the dark and returning home long after the sun has set. Saturdays and Sundays are usually filled with preparations for the week ahead, leaving little time for more pleasurable activities. And the cold! It isn't so much the low temperatures but usually it's  the damp and wind that fights its way through the warmest of clothing, making my body tense up and leaving me feeling achy. 

My initial plan of action, this year, was to power on through the month regardless. Surely if I could simply keep going, I wouldn't get so caught up in my dislike of January, the days would feel less depressing and, just maybe, we might even have a more wintry winter :) This did not work out as I'd hoped. The snow didn't arrive and recently I have been plagued with extreme tiredness, and persistently feeling under the weather. I am eating healthily - meal planning and getting one large weekly shop have been a huge help - and exercising, but I just can't seem to shift my malaise, which is why I haven't been spending a lot of time online. I have spoken with my GP, who expressed concern, and I am now waiting on the results of some blood tests. 

Moving forward, I intend to look upon January as my reset month. A time of quiet and calm. No expectations. Perhaps I really don't need to read up on ways with which to beat the January blues, I could simply hibernate instead.

J. X


  1. I love the photo of those snow drops. I haven't seen any around here yet.
    January flew by but it was a gray month. Hopefully, February will bring us more sunshine and warmer weather. Hope it lifts your spirits and you feel better.

    1. February isn't forecast to be much better, unfortunately, but it's getting closer to spring, at least. Xx

  2. Those snowdrops are amazing.

    1. There are so many around here, this year. They are such a pretty little flower. Xx

  3. A lot of us would benefit from winter hibernation I think. Just one sunny day always makes me feel better. Maybe you are suffering from SAD which would explain the fatigue. Roll on spring and brighter days. B x

    1. I've always struggled at this time of year, so I think you could be right. X

  4. sometimes a malaise has a reason - hopefully the blood test will point it out and you can get it sorted. Then, as spring comes closer you will feel a lot more like you. I wholeheartedly recommend mini stints of hibernation (it is what I am doing today - being 'more cat' ) they can really help❤️🐈‍⬛

    1. Thank you, Kate. I'm beginning to feel a lot more like myself already. Maybe it's all down to the lunar new year :)

  5. Beautiful snowdrops. Roll on Spring. I hope your blood tests come back all OK and it's just a case of the January blues.

  6. I am so sorry you have been feeling rough enough that you’re going through blood tests.

    Like you I usually find January a hell hole which feels like it lasts about 9 weeks. This year I rationalised that nature designed many of her creatures (and much flora too) to rest, hibernate and wait out this time of year. So that is what I have done, tried to be kind to myself knowing that eventually the weather will change and I can get outside and be more “me”. And to my surprise - it has worked.
    I think you are spot on with your last line, xxx

    1. It is just a horrid time of year. I've tried all the advice but nothing seems to help. Perhaps hibernation really is the way forward. That, or a month in The Maldives :)

  7. Oh dear Jules. Hope you are soon feeling much more upbeat...Spring is slowly springing. x

  8. Lovely photograph of the snowdrops.
    Many find that this time of year is not always an easy one.
    I do hope the results from your blood test will be helpful as we move forward to February, March and Spring :)

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. I suspect it's a case of the January blues, but I thought it best to rule out any medical cause. X

  9. Have just bought one of those heated blankets for sitting under in an armchair. Brilliant. But don't get a cheap one.

    1. I gifted two of those over Christmas. I should have bought myself one. X

  10. I'm sending thoughts across the miles for a good talk with your GP...I know how waiting to hear can weigh on the mind. .Yes, a wintry winter here would be good for me as well...temperatures way above normal and no snow only begin to give me frenzied thoughts of outdoor chores which leave me feeling as if I'm already behind. I think hibernating is a perfect plan...curling up, watching favorite movies, re-reading treasured books, quiet time well spent. It's a month to step back and "breathe' after the somewhat frenzied previous months. I will follow your's to many happy evenings simply spent hibernating!

    1. Thank you, Mary. It can be such a gloomy time of year in this part of the world, so just a few bright days can make all the difference. X

  11. Beautiful photo of snowdrops! Sounds like January was not such a great month for you. I think hibernating over January is a very good idea! Why not? :) Glad you saw the doctor and had some blood tests done. Hope the results will be helpful in figuring out what needs to be done to improve things for you.

    1. Thank you, Bless. Seeing your photographs of sunshine and lemons really helps during these dark winter months. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my results don't show anything of concern. X

  12. January here went quicker than normally, but we still have the grey dull days, luckily for us only rain.

    1. There is rarely a shortage of rain in these parts :)

  13. Hello Jules. I am sorry that January was not a great month for you. It was a good idea to see your GP and hopefully something can get sorted out with the tiredness. I am sending you a big hug. All those beautiful snowdrops, Spring is slowly but surely on the way. Take care x

    1. Thank you, Beverley. I suspect it's just a case of the January blues, but thought it best to rule out any medical cause. I've never felt so exhausted.
      I'm definitely looking forward to spring. X

  14. I can sympathise as I feel exactly the same at this time of year, though rather than January, it's February which is my worst month. Thank goodness it's a short one! The snow arrived here yesterday but we've had a lot of rain in the night and it's washed it all away, except for the small pile of snow still left in the garden over the road and a solitary carrot, the melted snowman which a little boy and his dad excitedly made when the schools closed yesterday afternoon. Hope you're feeling better soon and the blood tests can shed some light on why you're feeling this way, one good thing is that I've noticed the days getting steadily longer, it's still light past 4pm now!

    1. The lighter evenings haven't gone unnoticed this last week :) and I'm feeling a little brighter already. I hope February will be kinder to you and that maybe you can find some ways to make it more bearable. X

  15. I'm so sorry that you're feeling so out of sorts, I hope the results throw some light on to your malaise and it can be sorted. Jon had something very similar a few years ago and it turned out to be a vitamin B12 deficiency which was rectified easily and painlessly.
    I'm loving that it's light before 7.30am! xxx

    1. I have definitely appreciated the lighter mornings and evenings this last week. Xx

  16. Now that I am housebound I quite like January - no bothering about whether the car will get stuck in floodwater or snow, no looking for an extra jumper. Even the deep snow this morning is melting fast and revealing a plethora of snowdrops and crocus on my rockeries.

    1. I will try and manifest some of your positivity, Pat. Xx

  17. The snowdrops are pretty. I hope you feel better soon xx

    1. There are clumps of snowdrops dotted all around the lanes and woodlands here. Thank you, Christina. X

  18. I'm sorry you are feeling under the weather and I hope they can find an easily treatable cause. It's not easy though it seems like one cold dreary day after another but signs of spring are all around us, seeing the snowdrops always lightens my spirits. xx

    1. The snowdrops are a sign that winter is reaching its end. Spring will not be far behind. X

  19. Oh, I'm sorry, Jules. I know I need to sit out in the sunshine during the cold season. I would get depressed, too. The cottage has a lot more sunshine, so I can escape here to enjoy the light and warmth. I hope you feel better soon. SAD is real.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. We've been blessed with two days of sunshine this week, so I seized the opportunity to go out walking and have already noticed a difference in my wellbeing. I'm looking forward to spending much more time outdoors as we head towards spring. Xx

  20. Hope you are feeling more yourself. It seems like we are having a long Winter, the rain has been Relentless. Hibernation sounds good! Have spotted a few spring flowers recently though, so things looking up. :)

    1. Thank you, Shazza, I'm feeling much better now. And it's lovely to notice some early signs of spring. There were lambs in the fields yesterday. X
