Tuesday 8 August 2023

A Change of Plan


Having been so very lucky with the weather for our camping trip, things took a turn for the worse, and so the plans I'd had for that following weekend were quickly put on hold. I have instead been keeping busy with some far less exciting activities, such as housework, gardening, sanding down the woodwork in the hall, and studying. I also think I may have pinned down a couple of tradespeople to take on some of the work I wanted completing by the end of this year. Happy days!

There has been some more decluttering. Lily's books have been sorted and a large bagful got delivered to the charity shop last week. The shelves are looking much clearer now, and it is only a matter of time before we sort through the toys. And even though I am fully expecting to come up against some reluctance with this, it is definitely time. 

For the first time in what feels like ages, we've been for a bike ride. It was good to be back in the saddle again, and even thought I had been a little bit anxious about Lily's confidence levels, she soon demonstrated that there was nothing to worry about, so maybe we can ride a little farther next time. It is easy to forget how much she is growing and it's a little scary to think that next month she will be starting her final year of primary school. Applications for secondary school are imminent.

With that in mind, my thoughts are beginning to turn to September. We've already been off school for almost three weeks! It sounds like a long time, but it has flown by. And if the next four weeks go by just as quickly, then it will be upon us before we know it. Blackberries and elderberries are beginning to ripen, and there are signs of late summer all around.

With the weather looking like it's beginning to pick up again, yesterday saw us back up in the fells. This time we were on the eastern shore of Ullswater, the opposite side of where we went camping at the end of July (We could see our site from the summit). With another four Wainwrights ticked off, our total now stands at 105, so I'm excited to be almost at the halfway mark. 

J. X


  1. Fantastic cloud photo's. An interesting sky makes all the difference.

  2. Sounds like you are having an enjoyable summer! Glad the weather has allowed you to enjoy some time outdoors. :)

    1. The weather has been very changeable, but I've been seizing every opportunity to get outdoors. Xx

  3. Stunning scenery and very different to where I live. We’ve had a rubbish July and August really needs to buck up! Strong words are being spoken to it! LOL It feels too much like the autumn right now. I’m eyeing up many blackberry patches at the moment! There’s nothing like a good blackberry and apple crumble!
    Have a good week! 😁

    1. Crumble season will be upon us before we know it :)
      I think that, so far, this summer has been a bit of a wash out, and the forecast for the month ahead doesn't look much better either. X

  4. Jules - I do enjoy your photographs of the Lakes area = I think you were wise to postpone camping because of the weather = it was absolutelu dreadful here/

    1. Having booked much earlier in the year, we were very lucky that it was dry for our few days near Ullswater. We won't be camping on our next trip, I would just prefer some better weather for our sightseeing :)

  5. I love the close-up of the clover...and you're doing all the right things to take each moment and remember it! Have fun together.

  6. You sound wonderfully organised and, as always, fantastic photos which I so love studying. Thank you. xx

    1. I'm not sure about organised, but I have finally got a confirmed date for the electrician! :)

  7. Lovely, lovely photos.
    Well done with the book clearout, and hope the toy sorting goes smoothly.

    You may recall I have often claimed that Plan is a 4-letter word 😎, and it hardly seems believable that the school holidays are just about half over.

    1. Thank you, Jayne. Credit goes to the subject matter rather than the photographer :)
      The holidays seem to be going by faster than usual. Either I'm keeping very busy or just getting old. Probably both. Xx

  8. I do like the wonderful cloud formations in your photographs.
    Enjoy the remainder of summer, the days pass by so quickly.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, I quite like those white fluffy clouds.
      We enjoyed perfect weather for our walk. It was brighter than expected but not too warm. Xx

  9. Changing plans maybe, but sounds so productive! Ticking off all those useful jobs and tasks around the house while the weather's grim, bike rides and fell walking when the sun shines. Perfect! Love those wide open vistas of land and sky.

    1. My productivity has since come to a standstill :) While the sun is shining, those jobs can wait. Xx

  10. Amazing Wainwrights total. Good to see a bit of sunshine today. 🌞

    1. Thank you, Shazza. I've still got a long way to go. Xx
