Thursday 10 August 2023

August in the Garden


I must confess that I haven't spent an awful lot of time in the garden this year, whether it be for work or for pleasure. The constant rainy weather has meant that neither the sun shade nor the paddling pool have enjoyed an airing this summer, and I'm not sure they will going forwards. Until last week the lawn was ridiculously overgrown, and it was all I could manage to get it cut before a strimmer would have been necessary. It took me ages to mow, but looks so much better for it. I'll just overlook the bare patch beneath swing-ball!

I did replace many of the plants which had succumbed to the extreme cold last winter, so at least the border around the seating area looks much more pleasing to the eye. Most of the plants have finished flowering now and the purple lavender will need cutting back before much longer. The white lavender, which I grew from seed, has established itself nicely, and so I might need to split it again in the spring. The Hydrangea is just beginning to flower, and will probably be the last of any colour I get in the garden this year. 

My favourite little lemon trees continue to surprise me. One of them is much larger than the other, but they are both growing new leaves and I am excited to see whether or not they will produce blossom some time during the next few years. I planted them during the first lockdown, and I believe it can take around five years for them to produce fruit. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, so watch this space. You can see one of the apple trees, which I planted at the same time, next to the bird feeder in the top photograph. 

Having fully intended to leave the raised bed completely empty this year, I found three incredibly sad looking tomato plants in a cupboard at work, which someone had forgotten about, and I could not bear to see them simply thrown away. Somehow, I managed to revive them and I planted them out, not expecting them to come to much, but they are huge, and now appear to be producing a decent amount of fruit. They just need some more sunshine to help them to ripen. 

With the tomatoes on one side, the other half of the bed was looking rather bare, and so I picked up a very inexpensive tray of sweetcorn while I was at the supermarket, for Lily to plant just as a bit of an experiment. I suspect we were a little late in planting them, but they appear to be growing well, so we will just have wait and see if we get any results. 

On sunny days, the cats both enjoy being outside. Boo, especially, has a habit of sitting beneath swing-ball, while Lily is knocking the ball around at ridiculous speed. Luckily, the ball cannot reach him, but he doesn't even flinch! And talking of cats, next week Mog has an appointment for an x-ray, just to rule out anything untoward. Naturally, booking her in for this incredibly expensive procedure has resulted in her having no symptoms whatsoever for the last few days! :)

J. X


  1. The sight of those apples growing on a tree has set my mouh watering. It is years since I actually picked an apple and sank my teeth into it. By the time they get to the supermarket the best of the taste has long gone.

    1. They do look like apples don't they. They are actually tomatoes, which should really be ripening by now. It just proves how little sunshine we've had lately. Xx

  2. Your garden looks lovely. I hope your sweetcorn will produce some corn, it tastes nice just off the plant. Cats! I hope Mog is fine. Cats are very good at hiding symptoms I think (but I am not a vet of course). Cx

    1. Thank you, Christina. I've no idea what to expect with the sweetcorn, but at £2 for a tray of plants, I was willing to take a chance. Xx

  3. Your garden looks great (so green!) and I love how that lemon seedling has grown! You should be getting flowers in another year or two! The tomato plants look amazing and the corn is growing well!
    Well, of course, the best way to cure cats of any ailments is to book an appointment for a check up! I do hope that the x-ray will show that everything is fine, so that would be one less thing to worry about.

    1. Haha! Yes, it is very green isn't it. And it should be, with the amount if rain we've experienced lately.
      I really hope the x-ray won't show anything worrying. That said, Mog is absolutely fine apart from this niggling issue. Xx

  4. Well done for saving the tomatoes from death by dessication. Hope the fruit is lovely.

    Reassuring to read that your lawn was also ankle deep before you cut it - have had just the same problem and spent two days this week managing to tame mine. Like yours it was so long we had to cut first really high and then go back the next day to cut it again.

    1. It's looking like I will be richly rewarded for my rescue attempts, and I do enjoy a homegrown tomato.
      Mowing the lawn was a challenge to say the least. I can't remember the last time the grass had grown so high. Xx

  5. For not being able to spend much time in it, your garden is looking fabulous!
    We've mown our lawn once this year, it's getting hard to find William, the grass is taller than he is.
    Hope all's well with Mog! xxx

    1. I like the garden to look nice, but it needs to be low maintenance. I don't have as much time as I would like in order to really make an effort. Xx

  6. Lovely photographs of your garden, it's looking good :)
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. I hope you do as well. Xx

  7. Your garden is looking fab, the rain is helping everything grow I think. Have a lovely weekend,

  8. Hope the x ray went ok for Mog. Your tomatoes are just like mine. Very green. I feel it will be green tomato chutney this year. I love the colour of that hydrangea. B x

    1. Mog is at the vets, as I write, so I'm hoping that I will hear back very soon. Xx

  9. Your garden is looking good. I hope now we are having a spell of good weather it lasts and your tomatoes ripen. I hope the appointment goes well for Mog xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. We don't have any sunshine here just yet. Maybe later in the week. X
