Saturday 2 September 2023

September 2023

It may be September now,  but finally we're experiencing the warm sunny weather that might have been more suited to earlier on in the summer. Still, I'm here for it, even though just last week I had been seriously contemplating whether or not to dispose of a few of my numerous bottles of little used sunscreen, and then possibly unearthing some of my warmer sweaters from the darkest depths of the wardrobe. Then again, I should have realised we would see an improvement in the weather, just as soon as we were preparing for the new school year. Isn't it always the way.

Since returning from Belfast, I've been indulging in some serious down time. Anchoring myself at home, the garden is looking tidier than it has done all summer so far, and I've enjoyed some shorter walks straight from the doorstep. I've also been Blackberry picking, which is always a fun activity, not to mention the delicious treats I can make with them. They have been washed, weighed and bagged, and are now tucked away at the back of the freezer. I'm sure I'll be making compote at some point, but the Blackberry Vodka is already steeping quite nicely at the back of the cupboard, in anticipation of the colder months ahead. 

In the garden, the tomatoes still seem to be a little while off ripening, but the sweetcorn looks to be growing remarkably well, which is pretty good going, considering they were planted only as an experiment. This afternoon, I've re-potted both of the apple trees and I've noticed some small thorns appearing on the 'lockdown lemons', which I've read is a good sign that they're maturing.

Earlier this week, Lily and I took a trip into town for the annual back to school shopping trip. Never one of the most joyful activities, it proved to be fairly painless in the end. Especially as we managed to get nearly everything on our list first time, which is almost unheard of.

In other exciting news, I am very pleased to say that this week, after walking up Gray Crag and Thornthwaite Crag, we have now reached the halfway point in our Wainwright bagging journey. That's 107 fells! There's still a long way to go, but I'm quite proud of our achievement so far. 

This morning, at the library, Lily received her certificate for completing the Summer Reading Challenge. I'm not sure how many years the scheme has been running for now, but it has always been very popular and is a great incentive for those more reluctant readers. I am going to try and continue our visits to the library going forwards, as I'm sure we would both benefit from reading far more than we already do.

This week, I also received some positive feedback on the first study module I submitted. It is always useful to learn new skills and, if I get the opportunity, I would quite like to complete one more course before the end of the year. But there is still a lot of work on the house which I need to complete, so that might need to take priority for a while. 

On reflection, it has been a very enjoyable break, and the weather has been very kind each time I've been away. Still, summer's not over just yet...

J. X



  1. Congratulations to you both - a good all round achievement in all areas. Lovely day here today - set to continue for a while so woollies can stay in the drawer for a while.

    1. Thank you, Pat. I think summer has returned. Xx

  2. Love those blackberries! And that corn is looking good! I'm glad you are having some warm weather before summer ends and autumn begins. :)

    1. I will enjoy eating those blackberries during the winter months. X

  3. Well done on the reading challenge. I remember my boys loving it many years ago. Great progress on your Wainrights. That sounds like a fun thing to do. Enjoy the last moments of your holidays. B x

    1. I'm just glad we're making some sort of progress on our Wainwright challenge. It's probably a good job we're not in any rush to finish. Xx

  4. You have been busy this month. Were the blackberries from your garden or foraged? Congratulations on achieving half your fell walks (or is that "climbs"?). Hope you manage to complete the challenge.

    1. The blackberries were foraged. We are lucky in that there is an abundance of blackberries around here.
      Thank you, I think I would describe them as walks. X

  5. Well done to Lily with her reading! I’m also very much in awe of you studying! It can’t be easy when you have so many other things on the go..I did consider doing further studying a few years ago but life got in the way! And I love being in the garden too much! I’ve really enjoyed reading your ‘holiday’ blog posts. 😁

    1. I feel like I have a lot of balls in the air just now :)

  6. Your garden growing well and lots of produce. I have been making blackberry and apple crumbles after discovering a wonderful bank of blackberries well away from any road - just hoping it is a relatively secret place. 107 fells is some achievement...well done to you both and Lily on her reading challenge. x

    1. Thank you, Vivien. I'm looking forward to enjoying some delicious crumbles when the weather turns cooler. Xx

  7. Your garden looks fantastic and those blackberries - blackberry liqueur - mmmmmmm.
    (Must start off my damson version of the same)

    1. Yes, it's that time of year, even if it doesn't feel like it. It's so warm! X

  8. Your garden is looking so neat and lovely - want to come and help with mine? 😅

    Congrats on Thornthwaite Crag, I recognised it after many years possibly because the pain of the step drag up from Threshthwaite Mouth will forever be etched into my brain. If you approached from Hartsop it might not have been so painful?

    Is Lily on track to get back to school OK? Our local has had to close some areas because of the concrete issues.

    1. Thank you, Jayne. It helps that my garden is the size of a postage stamp, so the only excuse I have for it being messy is sheer laziness.
      Yes, we approached from Hartsop. it was a lovely walk back down the valley.
      School started back this morning, and there aren't any issues that we are aware of. X

  9. You certainly have had a summer to remember with lots of adventures even if the sun is making an appearance albeit a bit late. Well done on your and Lily's achievements xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. It's been a lovely summer break. X

  10. The bowl of blackberries - fine picture, and super fine eating item!

    1. There are so many blackberries growing around here. My fingers had turned purple by the time I'd finished picking them all. X

  11. The blackberries look luscious. I love hearing how you use them. I have planted some up at the cabin. Enjoy that sunshine while you still can...

    1. The temperatures are forecast to be high for the week ahead, after which it is looking more like September. Xx

  12. Having some down time is's good, at least for me, to help settle my noisy brain when I begin to get anxious about things that need doing. Back to school shopping was never a favorite with me... partly because it was almost impossible to find everything on the required list, and also because I became sad that summer had flown so quickly. I remember hearing: "Time flies, whether you're having fun or not." and you're definitely making the most of all your time! Again, thank you for the inspiration...even though my kids are in college, it's still important to enjoy every minute together.

    1. It has been a lovely summer. And I am very blessed in that my job enables me to spend so much time enjoying it with Lily. Xx

  13. September has certainly started on a warm note :)

    Your garden is looking good and those blackberries delicious.
    Always good when the back to school uniform shop goes well.

    Take care

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, the weather is lovely here. I'm trying to make the most of these late summer days. X

  14. You'll be heading back to term for a break! Your garden is looking very tamed in comparison to mine which now resembles more of a jungle right now. xx

    1. You're not wrong there. The garden is looking much better than it has done all summer. It takes a while for it to recover after a long winter. Xx

  15. Hasn't the last week been utterly glorious? Your garden is looking fantastic, it certainly puts my overgrown wilderness to shame.
    Well done on all those walks! xxx

    1. The warm sunny weather has been wonderful. It just would have been better appreciated had it arrived earlier in the summer.
      Your garden always looks amazing, Vix, although I don't envy you having to rake all those leaves. Xx

  16. All sounds good Jules! It's been a hot week hasn't it. Have you got a book where you tick off the Wainwrights? X

    1. I use an app to keep track of mine, and Lily has a scratch map. Xx

  17. Now that's a dry stone walling feat of engineering! The blackberry vodka sounds scrumptious :) x
