Sunday 17 September 2023



Mog is demonstrating, beautifully, exactly how I would like to have spent my weekend. Instead, I've been catching up with housework, getting the weekly shopping done and tackled a huge pile of ironing, which had been threatening to completely engulf the dining table. I'm feeling tired.

Being back at work has been a lot harder than I'd envisaged. My days are long and there never seems to be enough time to complete everything I need to do each day. My working hours are the same as before, but, without going into too much detail, my actual workload has increased. I realise it's very early days, so I'm hopeful that the situation will ease going forwards, but if it doesn't, then I may need to re-evaluate my position. All that aside I'm enjoying being back with my colleagues again, it's almost like I've never been away :)

Lily's start to the new school year has been a positive one, although I never expected she would be making the return while wearing a summer dress. It just didn't feel quite right, the weather being so warm. Thankfully, the unexpected heatwave has since been replaced with 'proper' back to school weather, by which I mean we can see our breath in the early morning air. The other day, I even made an apple crumble. Autumn definitely has one foot in the door now. This week, we will be visiting several secondary schools to make our final decision, before completing the application for her place next year. This is something which felt so far off when she first began primary school all those years ago now, and I'm not sure I'm ready for this next big step.

With the autumn equinox falling at the weekend, I'm hoping things will feel a little more settled for me as the days get even shorter. I should know to expect a certain level of unease as we transition from one season to the next, as for some reason these in-between times usually leave me feeling somewhat out-of-sorts. Soon it will be time for hunkering down, cosy night's in and warm sweaters. I think I'm ready for it. 

J. X


  1. You have a busy life no wonder tiredness is catching up with you. It's definitely feeling autumnal now after a very strange mix of summer weather.

    1. It has turned very chilly here, this week. I've ordered a new winter duvet :)

  2. Oh, Mog looks so comfy and cozy, nestled under that lovely blanket with her paws tucked in!
    Sounds like you are really busy, both at work and at home! I hope the work load becomes easier to manage as you settle into it; as for housework, well, that's always there, isn't it?
    Give yourself some time to transition from one season to another and try to take it easy.

  3. Such a sweet photograph of Mog.
    Pleased Lily's start to the new school year was a positive one.
    I wish you well as you go about choosing a secondary school.

    As I type this we are experiencing heavy rain and we have a thunderstorm warning in place!!! I think a cup of tea is called for :)

    All the best Jan

    1. That corner of the sofa is Mog's new favourite place. Woe betide anyone who tries to sit there. Xx

  4. One's body does take some time to adjust to the change of seasons. I am noticing the light disappearing earlier each day.

    1. I'm glad it isn't just me who feels that way. Perhaps I'll find my balance as the earth begins to tilt :)

  5. Trying to balance home and work has always been so much rushing and fatigue, and the feeling (for me at least) of never enough hours in the day. I still feel that way most days - even though I don't leave for an office any longer (a story for an other time!) Find time to take care of yourself...that's so important, and with the days getting cooler and cozier, that always seems to help. And yes, those changes in school levels are so difficult, but just be confident knowing that you've done a good job getting her to where she is and that she's learned what's most important in life from you...that will help see her (and you) through the changes.

    1. I remember reading somewhere that women are expected to work like they don't have children, and raise children as if they don't work. X

    2. Oh Jules, that makes me so sad to hear - but I know that is the expectation. It's absolutely impossible. We want to do it all, I know we do...I've tried, and I've failed. But what we can do "some" of it...we just have to ask ourselves what that "some" is to be today. Hmmm, sounds like a topic to address in a post - yes, we can have it all...just not all at the same time. Take care of yourself, Mary

    3. I am far from alone in this. Thank you for your kind words, Mary. Xx

  6. Where does the time go. It's like we blink and another year goes by, at least it can seem like that. I hope you find the school that is just right for Lily, as she begins the next stage of her education next year.
    And Mog looks very cosy in the blanket :-)

    1. Thank you, Beverley. We are just very lucky here, that we have a choice of some excellent schools. Xx

  7. The weather is changing here, too. I love it! Just stewed up some plums and cooking apples from the garden. I'm sorry your workload is so draining. I remember those days. Jobs are so intense now.

    1. That sounds delicious, Stephenie. I'm feeling ready for some comforting seasonal meals. Xx

  8. Seasons changing always make me feel tired . Still muggy here despite the rain. I’m waiting for some good autumn weather. Hope your work life balance sorts itself out soon. B x

    1. The morning chill has arrived this week. I'll be searching for my scarf and gloves before long. Xx

  9. Yes, autumn seems to be taking her time this year. We are finally getting some cooler weather here in Pennsylvania. I hope work evens out for you, and I too am ready for early evenings and all things cozy.

  10. That low grade persistent tiredness - the one that you keep on 'pushing through' takes quite a while to shake, I think a little follow of Mog's approach and do a bit 'cat-like self care', would certainly help - difficult I know, but very essential 💕
    Glad Lily has had a good start to the year, long may it continue 😊

    1. You describe it perfectly, Kate. And it isn't that easy shaking it off, but I'll certainly try my best. Xx

  11. Definite 👍👍 to everything Kate said.
    Have you read Sue's posts this week about menu planning? Since I knuckled down and got strict with myself about doing this life certainly is a little bit simpler and I work on the basis that lots of "littles" can add up surprisingly quickly to a lot.

    And when you need to just sit down and go "sod it" remember that self-care is NOT selfish, it is self-preservation 😘

    1. She's a wise one, that Kate ;)
      Thank you, Jayne. Menu planning is already a necessity. I couldn't manage if I didn't, as there's not enough time to pop to the shops very often. I'm hopeful that once I settle into my new routine, I will begin to find things that bit easier. Xx

  12. How is it cats always seem to get it right? Sleep...sleep...and more sleep! xx

    1. I can't even manage sleeping all that well :)

  13. Hi Jules. It's in the 80's here today - not exactly autumn weather. I hope we do get some cooler weather soon. I'm happy to hear things are going well for Lily at school. I do hope things slow down and even out a bit for you at work, though.

    1. That's hot! Thank you, Julia. I have a horrible feeling that things are going to get worse before they get better. X

    2. Hi Jules. Just wanted to pop back in and say I'd be happy to send over the recipes. Just email me so that way I'll have your email address. Thanks so much!

    3. That is very kind of you. Thank you, Julia. X
